Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) Therapy – Edmonton

Edmonton Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) Therapy – by a medical doctor with 15+ years of men’s health experience

P shot Priapus Shot - Edmonton The Genomic Clinic logoThe Genomic Clinic in Edmonton:
The Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) procedure is an innovative yet powerful technique, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

When seeking cutting-edge regenerative therapies it is critical to ensure you choose a clinic and expert who has an in-depth expertise of the procedure and a solid grasp of general medicine. At the Genomic Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta we specialize in regenerative treatments for erectile dysfunction. We are interested in treating the underlying causes rather than symptoms. Dr Harvey Rao is a UK born and raised physician with 15 years of men’s health experience and his in-depth knowledge and passion for general medicine as an MD sets him apart when it comes to treatment of this extremely sensitive condition.

Dr Harvey Rao and his clinic team offer a highly professional and comfortable environment to offer the Priapus Shot® (P shot) procedure as a safe effective long-term treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Edmonton Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) Therapy 
Dr. Harvey Rao MD
Erectile dysfunction or Priapus Shot® questions?
Call to book a consultation with Dr. Rao, or click below:
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Edmonton Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Clinic
*we also provide ShockWave Therapy for erectile dysfunction

About the P-Shot

The Priapus shot® (P-Shot) procedure aims to restore blood flow to the penile organ through induction of new blood vessel growth and regeneration of tissue which has been damaged over the passage of time. In many instances, the damage has been related to underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or lifestyle factors such as smoking. In other cases however there are no tangible underlying conditions and damage may be at the microvascular level. In many such instances, small plaques can affect the blood supply to the penis, causing dysfunction.

The P shot technique takes about an hour to perform within the clinic. The procedure starts with a simple blood collection (much like the process of giving a blood sample at the lab). The blood sample is then processed using specialised equipment to extract and isolate the part of the blood which is rich in platelets. This concentrated extract is called Platelet Rich Plasma (also referred to as PRP). Local topical anesthetic is used to ensure there is no discomfort during the procedure. We then proceed to introduce this concentrated plasma back into the spongy vascular bed of the penis- called the corpus cavernosa. Using the specialized P shot technique we are specifically aiming to re-infuse the vascular bed of the penis (contained within the corpus cavernosa) with plasma which is rich in growth factors. The aim of the therapy is for the growth factors, called glycoproteins, to repair and restore function in the penis by promoting new blood supply and repair of damaged tissue.

At our Edmonton clinic, The Priapus Shot® procedure is complete within an hour in most cases. Our patients are able to leave and continue their day as normal with minimal or no discomfort.

Please contact us if you have any questions, or book a consult and learn more about our innovative treatment and technology.

Edmonton Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) Therapy 
Dr. Harvey Rao MD
Erectile dysfunction or Priapus Shot® questions?
Call to book a consultation with Dr. Rao, or click below:
Book a free consultation
Edmonton Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Clinic
*we also provide ShockWave Therapy for erectile dysfunction

What is the Priapus Shot®?

The Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) therapy is one of the most exciting cutting-edge therapies for male sexual dysfunction and aims to directly address rejuvenation at the cellular level. Through usage of the patient’s own platelets to directly stimulate growth factors in the penis, this therapy offers hope of rejuvenation in patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, anatomical concerns of shape and size. Not only do many patients report a dramatic improvement in erection strength, this therapy also aims to improve penile thickness and restore shape.

How does the Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) work?

The Priapus Shot® is a cutting-edge safe therapy whereby a patient’s own tissues are used to stimulate growth factors and new blood vessel growth directly within the penis. A regenerative technique called PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets) is utilized. This involves taking a blood sample from the patient’s arm and isolating the cells called platelets from the extract using a special apparatus. Once isolated the platelet rich extract is quite painlessly reinjected into the penis. The reintroduction of a platelet-rich serum into an area like the penis helps stimulate growth factor activation and new blood vessel growth.

Growth factors are pivotal in natural cell regeneration and the Priapus Shot® therapy has been shown to improve cellular function, blood flow, sensation and pleasure in the penis through improving blood flow and improving nerve sensitivity.

As well helping restore damaged tissue P shot therapy can also be helpful in dealing with anatomical concerns. The therapy can help address issues with length, thickness and also shape since the injected extracts also provide direct reshaping of tissue structures.

Is the Priapus Shot® safe?

The use of a patient’s own natural serum makes the Priapus Shot® therapy an extremely safe technique. Using natural platelets which are harvested from a patient’s own blood means the serum extract is completely hypoallergenic and lacks side effects that one may experience when injecting foreign material into the body. This therapy is even safe in many patients who are not allowed to utilise oral medications commonly prescribed for Erectile dysfunction.

Any procedure can have associated possible side effects. Commonly reported and reversible side effects include skin irritation, minor swelling or bruising and temporary loss of sensation (mainly due to the use of a local anesthetic).

How is the P shot performed?

This procedure is performed in our clinic. No special preparation is required prior to coming to the clinic.

A blood sample is drawn from a patients arm and using a special apparatus in our clinic. This sample is processed to extract the platelet portion of the sample. Once a concentrated serum sample has been collected the Priapus Shot® is ready to administer.

Prior to the injection, a local anesthetic is applied to the penis skin to anesthetize the area and hence minimize any discomfort during the injection phase.

The platelet extract is then injected into certain areas of the penis in a nearly painless procedure.

Following the procedure, most patients are able to continue their daily activities.

What is the aim of the Priapus Shot®?

Whilst results are variable, the aim of the therapy is to:

  • Improve erectile strength
  • Increase penile thickness (girth) and length
  • Improve sexual energy including stamina through improved blood flow and neurological function
  • Shape enhancement

How many treatments are required?

At our Edmonton clinic, most patients only require a single treatment to achieve lasting effects. In some cases, further top-ups may be needed in the future. The results of the therapy are normally evident within 6-8 weeks of the therapy being administered. This time is required to allow new blood vessel growth in the penis and hence restoration of sexual function.

How much does the Priapus Shot® cost in Edmonton?

The cost of the Priapus Shot® is $1800 and normally takes up to one and half hours in the clinic.

Is it possible to come to your clinic in Edmonton for the Priapus Shot® procedure from other cities?

Yes, we frequently have interest from patients outside the province and many have flown in for this relatively short procedure. Since it is safe and virtually painless it allows for patients to be able to travel immediately afterwards. For patients travelling from a distance, we normally undertake telephone consultations to discuss the procedure and to answer any questions before coming to physically see us.

How effective is the procedure?

Whilst no procedure can provide a guaranteed result in our experience and based on research the P shot procedure provides positive results in more than two-thirds of patients. We do recommend that to increase the chances of success, patients should address any underlying risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stress and poor diet to increase the chances of success.

Is it a one-off procedure?

The P shot is a very safe procedure which can be repeated. We normally however recommend waiting for at least 12 weeks before considering a repeat since in our experiences it takes 8-12 weeks for patients to see results and achieve maximal improvement.

Edmonton Priapus Shot® (P-Shot) Therapy 
Dr. Harvey Rao MD
Erectile dysfunction or Priapus Shot® questions?
Call to book a consultation with Dr. Rao, or click below:
Book a free consultation
Edmonton Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Clinic
*we also provide ShockWave Therapy  for erectile dysfunction

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