Health Screening

At the genomic clinic we offer cutting edge health screening. The range of testing we offer is vast ranging from food allergy testing, environmental toxicity screens to genetic screening. We categorize screening into six areas. Hover or click the boxes below for more infomation:

Why Screen?

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells, each with enough DNA to stretch a distance of three kilometers. DNA acts as the blueprint for every process the body is capable of, and is directly related to the development of, or resistance to disease. Every building block of our body is coded for in our DNA. Under certain conditions the code is deciphered in a process called translation and proteins, enzymes, hormones and other building blocks of the body are formulated.
The building blocks of our body (proteins,hormones,enzymes, messengers, tissues, organs) are synthesized from instructions coded in our DNA which is called our Genome. The code sequence is fixed from conception and acts much like the hardware of a computer. Whilst the genetic code is fixed, the translation process (the Software) is extremely mold-able and changes in response to diet, environment and lifestyle. Whilst we are unable to change the hardware genetic code we are able to control the programming of the software and shape the translation process from hard genetic code to healthy building blocks of our body. This is effectively reprogramming our genes to express themselves to our advantage. Negative expression of these same genes leads to physiological imbalance and is the root of disease process.

Gastrointestinal/ Immunology Screening Tests

Symptoms Suggestive of GI/Immunological Dysfunction

Many patients suffer symptoms which are suggestive of an underlying gastrointestinal or immunological imbalance or disease. Patients suffering with any of the following symptoms should consider in depth GI/Immunology screening.

  • Abdominal discomfort/ bloating
  • Unexplained systemic symptoms such as persistent skin, joint, muscle symptoms which could be related to parasite or other infective exposures

  • Persistent diarrhea or constipation
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Reactions to certain foods suggestive of food allergy or intolerance

We offer screening options to help us root out the causes of common conditions such as:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Leaky gut syndrome

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Food allergy and sensitivity testing

Genetic Mapping Tests

Our genes are the blueprints for every molecule, enzyme, hormone, protein and cell structure of our body.

Each cell is home to the code for approximately 30000 genes. Previously scientists believed that mapping these 30,000 genes would lead to the holy grail of understanding all diseases but new research shows that our genetic makeup is not as deterministic as we previously were led to believe.

In fact the translation process from gene code to end product is dynamic and complex. Internal gene switches within the DNA, nutritional factors, stress and the environment play an incredibly important role in upgrading and downgrading gene expression and translation and determine whether an end disease process will develop or not.

In some cases understanding whether we carry specific genes or gene “switches” which regulate those genes can help guide us in formulating a more personalised Genomic Life Plan to mitigate certain risk factors which for example may predispose us to cardiovascular disease, cancer, alzheimers etc.

Learning about your Genomic make up is not condemnation but rather an opportunity to maximise your chances of Living Longer and Living Better!

Hormone Screening Tests

Hormones are the messengers of the body which allow cellular communication. Disturbances in hormone levels can have far reaching cascading impacts in the body. Common symptoms suggestive of possible hormonal disturbances include:

  • Tiredness / fatigue / malaise
  • Unexplained weight gain / loss
  • Altered bowel habits
  • Sensitivity to cold or warm temperatures
  • Palpitations
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Loss of sex drive / libido
  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Hair loss
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Flushing
  • Mood disturbances (depression / anxiety)
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Chronic fatigue symptoms
  • Chronic pain syndromes
  • Loss of bone density

We are able to offer a broad range of screening options to help diagnose hormone problems including:

The female hormonal system changes dramatically throughout the course of a month as part of the natural reproductive cycle. Whilst menstrual cycles follow predictable patterns, imbalances can occur causing the following symptoms and disease processes:

Obesity, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep disturbances, Hot flashes, Osteoporosis, Breast Cancer, Pre-menstrual disorders, Polycystic Ovarian Syndromes, Menopause are conditions which are in some cases linked to hormonal imbalances in women.

We’re able to provide supportive hormone therapy to pre-, peri- and postmenopausal women to prevent, mitigate and manage disease process. Using custom testing tools to identify true tissue bioavailability of hormones we are able to replace hormone deficient states using bio-identical hormones. We measure, interpret, and manage levels of Estradiol, Progesterone, Cortisol, DHEAS and Testosterone, all of which play an important role in a hormonally balanced, healthy woman.

Male panel screening is important in the diagnosis and management of bone loss, erectile dysfunction, memory loss, depression, prostatitis, loss of motivation and libido, and weight gain. This is sometimes referred to as “somatopause” or “andropause” which can lead to a functional decline in men as early as early as the thirties.

We assess, interpret and manage levels of male hormones and related metabolites in salivary, blood and urine analysis. Imbalances in these hormones are managed using one of our genomic protocols to restore balance to the male hormonal system and subsequent health status.

The human body has innate mechanisms to cope with stress. The adrenal glands produce cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline in response to stressful triggers which can include psychological, dietary, genetic or environmental stressors. Prolonged stressful stimuli can result in imbalances in these hormones leading to downstream impacts in virtually any end organ from the digestive tract, muscles, joints, lungs to the cardiovascular system. Prolonged stress also results in the functional ineffectiveness of other hormones including thyroid hormones, growth hormones, insulin, progesterone, estrogen,and testosterone to name a few.

The thyroid gland is the furnace of the human body and is involved in regulation of the heart rate, body temperature, weight, blood pressure, gastrointestinal transit and other metabolic processes. Absolute or functional deficiences in thyroid hormone levels can have secondary impacts including: depression, anxiety, fatigue, poor thermal regulation, constipation, weight gain and headaches.

Conventional thyroid testing sometimes yields normal results yet the patient has symptoms of thyroid imbalance. In such instances, more accurate measurement of urinary thyroid markers including T3, T4, Iodine, TSH and Selenium allow us to get a clear picture of the thyroid status.

Environmental Screening Tests

We are frequently exposed to toxins in our environment of all kinds from hydrocarbons to heavy metals. By measuring the type and degree of toxicity we can start engaging in a detoxification process to remove the toxic load these substances have on our organs. We are able to test both essential (such as zinc, calcium etc.) and toxic elements (such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and tin) in samples.

Toxic accumulation of substances over time in our bodies from simple household products can result in a wide range of symptoms including:

  1. Neurological symptoms in the limbs, mental confusion, fatigue, abnormal gait patterns
  2. Heart disease
  3. Gastrointestinal disturbance
  4. Liver dysfunction
  5. Hyperpermeability in the gut

By identifying toxic elements that have been building up, we formulate a treatment to reduce that specific toxic element, and identify lifestyle factors that may be leading to a buildup in the system. These toxicities may go undetected and cause unexplained symptoms.

We test for a wide range of environmental substances including but not limited to:

  • BPA (Bisphenol A)
  • Chlorinated pesticides
  • Organophosphates
  • PCBs

  • Phthalates & Parabens
  • Volatile solvents
  • Porphyrins
  • Aluminum

  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Lead
  • Mercury

We are able to offer specific screening for environmental exposures based on patient requests.

Nutritional Screening Tests

Adequate nutrition is crucial for the body’s cells to perform the tasks they need to do to keep us alive and at optimal health. When certain nutrients become depleted, the processes that require them begin to suffer. This is a very broad level of screening as there are numerous nutritional requirements and each nutrient tends to play a role in several important processes.

Identifying the nutrients that are deficient helps us target and prevent the resulting disease states before they present themselves, mitigate existing disease processes, and treat existing nutrient deficiency-related disease states.

Some common nutrient deficiency conditions we can identify using this screening method includes:

  • Iron deficient anemia
  • B12/B9 deficient anemia
  • Inflammatory states related to omega 3 fatty acid deficiencies
  • Muscle cramping from magnesium deficiencies
  • Poor immune function from vitamin C deficiencies

Some disease conditions lead to deficiencies rather than being caused by them. Inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, microbiome imbalances, obesity, and metabolic disorders can all lead to nutrient deficiencies, which then go on to cause other problems in the body.

We use nutrient assays to identify deficiencies and correct them.

  • Amino acid Profiles- In some instances it may be useful to determine dietary protein intake, digestion, absorption issues and help with dietary guidance. We are able to offer
  • Traditional lipid testing of LDL, Total Cholesterol, HDL and Triglycerides is certainly beneficial but doesn’t always provide a complete understanding of cardiovascular risk. We are able to combine traditional cardiovascular lipid markers with more advanced bio-markers giving more specific insights into cholesterol metabolism, inflammation, genetic risk cardiovascular risk factors (we identify selected genes related to cardiovascular well-being)

  • Nutrient Elements
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Vanadium
  • Zinc

Toxic Elements

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Tin
  • Fatty Acid Profile


The goal of Preventative Medicine is not to live forever but to Live Longer and Live Better. Delaying and compressing morbidity to the very end of our lives is a goal worth striving for. More important than your Chronological Age (based on your birth date) is your biological age, which is a measure of how well your body is functioning physiologically in relation to your chronological age.

Whilst your age may be 55 chronologically your biological age may be 40 thanks to aggressive efforts in nutrition, exercise and other genomic lifestyle inteventions.

At the Genomic Clinic we have the medical expertise to utilise various tools to determine your biological age and through personalised medical intervention reverse the biological ageing clock through the Genomic Life Plan.

Reversing the ageing clock is not a sci-fi dream but a genomic reality. Protect your DNA from premature or accelerated ageing. Be Genomic and Live Longer and Live Better.


Get On The Path To A New Future You